Women’s Voices Without Borders Live Podcast Event
« Insights and converging perspectives; Women, Media, and the Environment »
AHJ, the Humanitarian Aid and Journalism organisation, is excited to announce its upcoming Live Podcast Event in Erbil supported by the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs and the German Federal Foreign Office:
This event will be held and recorded at Rotana Arjaan Hotel on 28th November 2023, from 4pm to 7pm (Erbil local time) and will bring together in the same studio, the voices of its formers and new beneficiaries from across the Middle East!
For the first time, AHJ’s beneficiaries from Yemen, Iraq, and Syrian refugees will be together for the first time in the AHJ’s studio in Erbil to unite their voices and discuss subjects that concern them as women journalists and activists such as their place in media and the role of women in environmental action.
During this exceptional live podcast event, and with the active participation of AHJ’s trainees from different countries, and in the presence of representatives of our funding partners as well as other institutions, we will celebrate the accomplishments of the first Yemeni cohort of Women's Voices Without Borders - WVWB project.
We are proud to announce on this occasion, that Women's Voices Without Borders has recently been selected as one of 50 resolutions for peace and stabilisation worldwide by the Paris Peace Forum 2023.
Between each panel discussion, we are proud to defend freedom of expression through art and feature a special musical guest performer, Norshin Saleh, a young musician from Syria based in Erbil.
The WVWB Live Podcast Event is prepared, recorded, and produced by AHJ’s team with the full participation of our trainees.
This episode will be hosted by Mariam Jenan the AHJ’s podcast production manager and co-hosted by Shayda HESSAMI, the General Director of AHJ. The event will develop as four episodes.
Introduction Music
Women's Voices Without Borders
1st episode from 4:00pm to 4:30pm
Launching of the Women’s Voices Without Borders - Yemen; Objectives and Perspectives with the participation of:
Her Excellence Madame Catherine CORM-KAMMOUN Ambassador of France in Yemen
His Excellency Dr Reyad Yassin ABDULLA, Ambassador of Yemen in France
His Excellency Mr Ali DOLAMARI, representative of the KRG in France
Mrs Nuha Al Shrabi, the AHJ Coordinator in Aden
15 minutes of transition by Music Live performance NORSHIN
2nd episode from 4:45pm to 5:15pm
Women in media: Situation, Challenges and Perspectives with the participation of the trainees of WVWB Iraq and Yemen
15 minutes of transition by Music Live performance by NORSHIN
3rd episode from 5:30pm to 6:00pm
Women and environmental action with the participation of the trainees of WVWB Iraq and Yemen
15 minutes of transition by Music Live performance by NORSHIN
4th episode 6:15pm to 6:45pm
Women's Voices Without Borders; Peace and stabilisation in conflict zones with the participation of
His Excellency Mr Yann BRAEM, the French General Consul in Erbil
Jean Nicholas Beuze, Representative of UNHCR Iraq
Mrs Amelie HARTMANN, Consul for Politics and Economy, German Federal Foreign Office
Aya Sarchil Majeed, Secretary of the Kurdistan Region's 1325 Board on WPS
Music of conclusion
“Get your hands off my body” by Sofie SORMAN
The event will be followed by a dinner in Arjaan by Rotana