In celebration of the first graduation ceremony of the Women’s Voices Without Borders (WVWB) programme, the French Embassy in Iraq and the organization Humanitarian Aid and Journalism - AHJ are pleased to invite you to the “WVWB Live Podcast Event in Baghdad”. This event is carried out in partnership with the Raja-Danièle Marcovici Foundation and with the participation of the graduates of the first year of the WVWB programme in Iraq.
It will take place in the auditorium of the French Institute of Iraq - Baghdad on 7th October 2023 from 5:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
The WVWB programme is launched by AHJ and supported by the Crisis and Support Centre (CDCS) of the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs (MEAE). The programme supports the professional integration of women journalists and post-graduates from media departments of Iraqi Universities, through the creation of jobs in independent media outlets in Iraq.
Hosted by AHJ, this live podcast event will be an opportunity to present the results of the WVWB programme in the presence of the graduates as well as the representatives of the civil society organisations and independent media who are beneficiaries and partners of this programme: Radio Al Salam, Kirkuk Now and Women Empowerment Organization (WEO).
Discussions will outline the context of the programme and its main objectives, bringing to the fore major considerations for its implementation. Representatives of key international cooperation institutions and agencies in Iraq will be given the floor to present the situation of women in the media. We will have the pleasure of hosting Jean-Nicolas Beuze, the representative of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in Iraq.
Through journalism and freedom of artistic expression, women create their place, raise their voices, contribute to equality, stabilization and peace in societies affected by war and discrimination. In this regard, we are very pleased to announce that Yusr and Sally, two singers from Baghdad and active defenders of human rights, will perform live during this event.
The graduates of WVWB will be actively involved in all the stages of the production of this event, under the supervision of AHJ’s team of trainers. The event is a hands-on experience for them in live podcast production to present their skills acquired during the training course. During the graduation ceremony each of them will be presented as well as the podcasts they have produced.
AHJ’s commitment to #Journalism for human rights within the WVWB Programme, has received the label #SolutionsForPeace selected for the Paris Peace Forum amongst a group of 50 international projects, in the category “Contribution to the Resolution of Conflicts in war zones”.